
Business School 5th Intake

6th july2009. alhamdulilah kena terima bs,10 PD/BNF/. Misss eza our G.c plus teaching us finance, miss hida wio unit, ms. amal num unit, sir erwan PC, cikgu Hjh halimaton LNc and sir fizal yg cali cali cali teached us business environment~~

if aku ingat lah..here's my classmate list.
  1. Aliff Ali
  2. maryam muneera


3. azizul hakeem

4. dk.khadijah khalisah


5. rabiatul nadzirah

6. hafiz



7. zaim akwa

8. haaziq bahrin

9. suryadi

10. hazmi

11. ajijan

12. Faidhi

13. lily

14. yana

15. nadzirah

16. hafizah

17. Qilah

18. Wane

19. SaabiQah

20th ME!

1st day orientation was on the 6th july, Diam2 bh semua HAHA. btw Nya miss eza sabar saja mun words seniors atu nyakitkan ati.. Pacah eh..

biasalah orientation ane, kena suruh menyanyi, menari, acting and suchhhhh....

My classmates didnt know that im pregnant haha thats funny.. INDA KETARAAA!!

yatah since the seniors didnt know that im pregnant, yth dorg mereg aku jua! ku dgr inda buleh wah, tapi mun inda kena reg pun boreng jua...

5 days kmi kena reg..

last day aku inda kena reg pasalnya its running2 action,minta senior's signs bahh..dorg c ella kena lukis mua dorg! ia lagi makai baju pindik,nah ko! smpai ke tangan kena cincai, aku g menambah ''chipmunks'' tu! HAHA

a week after kena reg,we started to know each ottha sudah.. maasa ane aku lunch sma classmate ku, before was with ella,wafiy,fizah and yenny the crack nuts!

wafiy gigiran..mulut beracun~~!

fizah..i like your moves bebehh..hahaha mcm teddy bear wah ia menari !

yenny.. she is so nutsss! bana baana nuts i cant tell how nuts she is but it wAS smpai my jaws te cramp lahh, kereta auto mcm manual! nya inda romantic ketanya..haha

c ellaa, as usual.. part gila2 ia punya jua..melayan jua lah ank ane! so far it wusssssss funn!!!!

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